Worship Services start at 10:30 am each Sunday in the Sanctuary at First United Church. Everyone is Welcome to join us and remain for coffee and gathering afterwards in the Village Hall.

There is a lot happening in this community and we share these digital announcements to highlight First United, Nexus and GreenSpace events.

Our Sunday Service and main floor are fully wheelchair accessible by using the entrance at the back off of our parking lot.

Newcomers to Worship

Sometimes newcomers worry that they won’t know when to stand up or when to sit down. Generally we stand up for hymns, unless instructed otherwise. But really, it’s easy. Just do what everyone else does!

We do have one practice that is unique to this congregation and we like it a lot. It is called the Gift of Peace. At the conclusion of the service, the minister starts it with one other person. The person receiving places his or her hands together in the traditional attitude of prayer and the giver covers them with his or her own. The giver says, “May the peace of God be with you.” The receiver responds with “And also with you.” The greeting is passed to the person on the end of each row and that person passes the peace to the next person and so on to the end of the row. This way the whole congregation is connected as the blessing is passed from one to another. And if you don’t do it just as described, it doesn’t matter. It’s what’s in your heart that matters.

Stand Up? Sit Down?

Sometimes newcomers worry that they won’t know when to stand up or when to sit down. It’s easy – just do what everyone else does. Generally we stand up for hymns, unless instructed otherwise. If there are changes then someone will usually let you know.


We are excited to have your children join us in the sanctuary for worship! If your child is distressed or fussing, feel free to use the library just off the sanctuary. The large window and adjustable speaker allow you to play with your child and still be able to hear and see the service. There are cloth activity bags in the cart just inside the sanctuary full of activities for young children to do during the service. You are welcome to borrow one as you come in. We love to have families with us!

About First United

The First United Salmon Arm faith community welcomes people from all backgrounds and orientations - wherever you are in your faith journey. In community we learn about the roots of our faith, deepen our spirituality and engage in activities that help us grow in relationship to the sacred. And all of this leads to action in the real world.


We are a church that believes people should think for themselves. While we have certain core beliefs that define us as a community of faith, learning about our faith is not a one-way street where you bring the questions and we provide the answers. We believe that faith is more about “living the questions” than it is about having pat answers to life’s complicated issues.

We believe that all who come to First United should feel valued and that they have a spiritual home that is enriched by the sharing and nurturing of our combined experience.


First United Salmon Arm is committed to creating a community where all are welcome are regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, differing ability, ethnic backgrounds, socio-economic situation or any other characteristic or circumstance. Our Statement of Faith has solidified our continued commitment to being an Affirming Congregation and a welcoming and engaging presence in the world.

Our faith has evolved throughout history and is evolving still. As a broader commitment to our core beliefs, the United Church of Canada has created a contemporary document called, “A Song of Faith”. Both beautiful and informative, it is a poetic vehicle used to express what cannot be captured in purely intellectual language.

First United Outreach

Our outreach is activities or projects that allows us to live out the values, namely justice for all, healing, peace and equality. Many project are supported as a congregation or as a group within the congregation. But it is also true that many of our members are active in the community and act out their faith by being involved with charitable activities or social or political change outside the walls of the church. We encourage this and see it as part of our outreach as a congregation. Always, our choice is to seek projects that involve community partnerships.