About GreenSpace

GreenSpace is an initiative designed to bring people together to create community, promote wellness, sustainable living, and provide individuals and non-profit groups an open and welcoming space from which they can engage in the things that matter most to them. It is founded on the premise that “united, we can accomplish great things”.

GreenSpace seeks to bring people together, share its space as a community resource, and to work alongside of others to make the world a better place.

If you are a not-for-profit group and your mandates align with ours we would love to talk to you about becoming a GreenSpace Partner. Benefits such as renting our spaces at a discounted rate and cross marketing, meeting other like minded groups….

“Thank you again for welcoming us to have our Christmas Party at your Village Hall. The venue was so well received by us and our participants that we’d like to book it for next Christmas.” Paivi - CMHA

Please give us a call 250-832-3860 or visit the rental page.

Meet some of the GreenSpace Community